Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Style Watch: Caroline B

I've been lurking around for a while now and there's one person whose style I really like: Caroline B. According to her short profile, she's a fashion editor from Stockholm. You can find her blog here -- FYI, it's in Swedish (?).

Quick explanation on Lookbook straight from their site: is an international social experiment in style. It was inspired by street fashion blogs like the Sartorialist as well as "What are you wearing today?" forum threads across the internet.

  1. You upload photos of your looks, and browse others.
  2. Vote up stuff you like--community "hype" determines which outfits show up on the front page.
  3. If people hype your looks, you gain "karma" which builds your reputation as a stylist.
A lot of her looks are listed in the Top Hyped list. Check out her profile:

The screenshot above does not show a lot of detail so I recommend you go to her profile and check out her looks individually.

Why do I like her looks? It's because they're styles I would personally like to wear and they're wearable. Stylish but not outlandish. Not stuff that's too editorial or too runway. She's mostly in black and neutral colors with a rock edge to them, which I love!

Another girl to look out for in Lookbook is Frida Johnson also from Sweden (hmm, maybe I should move to Sweden... ). For better photos of her looks, read her blog here. Anyway, a separate entry for Ms. Frida at another time.

Image source:


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